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  • Writer's pictureJoshua Jaime

Spring Break Blog Post 2023

To start off the spring break I didn't do anything but throughout the weekend I celebrated my sisters birthday. So we threw a birthday party for her and my mom rented a mechanical bull for her and it was fun because I got to control it. I was yanking people off pretty quick on how I controlled it. I think my little sister loved the party but she is getting older by the second , she is also almost my height.

I didn't take much photos and I can't even access them at the moment but I will put them up once I get them. This is my last spring break though because it is my senior year so I am glad we had this break because I was very tired and I rested well throughout the break. I am also going to Coachella this week so I am happy to go and I will be taking my camera to take good photos of artists.

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